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9d nls manual pdf

9D NLS Manaul PDF free download

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What 9D NLS human health analyzer has advanced version

Quick details.

1. Hardware CPU frequency: 5.3GHz 2. Core: Advanced Core Processor

3. Detection speed is very fast.
4. Average scanning time: 2-3 seconds. 5. More advanced, with a large database. 6. More detailed definition of diagnostics.

7. The best preclinical diagnostic equipment
8. Clinical version of the most practical model

9. It can detect all problem areas in the patient’s organism using non-invasive methods.

Technical specifications of the Human Health Analyzer 8d NLS device.

-Power supply – USB port on the computer.
-Supply voltage -5 V.
-Current consumption – up to 300 mA.
-Evaluation frequency range 1Hz-1MHz.
-Superposition of dielectric frequency and electromagnetic component – 5.5 GHz.
-Interface speed – up to 1 MHz.
-biological inductors – passive.
-Electromagnetic reprinters – activated with possible feedback.

9d nls manual pdf

9d nls manual pdf

9D NLS system features?

Unlike other hardware-based diagnostic methods, the “9D NLS System” system can reveal the early pathological stages of a pathological process before obvious clinical manifestations appear, whereas other diagnostic methods such as ultrasound, comparative computed tomography and NMR can barely reveal this process. The system is safe for humans. Unlike other hardware-based diagnostic methods, the “9D NLS System” system can reveal the early pathological stages of a pathological process before obvious clinical manifestations appear, whereas other diagnostic methods such as ultrasound, comparative computed tomography and NMR can barely reveal this process. The system is safe for humans. Reliability of early diagnosis of disease categories* (%)

Gastroenterology 74-86%

Pulmonary 65-72%

78-82% in gynaecology

Endocrinology 52-65%

Oncology 38-42%

The following describes the principle of implementing the system as a diagnostic system. Each type of cell has its own disruptive energy of specific intercellular molecular connections. By altering the characteristics of the 9D NLS system CADISTOR radiation, it can lead to the disruption of the intercellular structural connections (and the spin orientation of the associated biomolecular assemblages) of any cell in the biological tissue. Naturally, according to the theory of quantum entropy logic, the more stable and damaged the tissue under study, the more obvious response we will get. At the same time, the scan frequency will coordinate the location of the response, and the location of the response along with the value of the response will map the general geometry of accumulated damage in the organism. Once the response is determined through the manipulation of psychophysiological phenomena, we additionally introduce a number of physical forces to activate the brain function of the respondent and make resonance adjustments (using the correlation principle to visualize the positioned organ on the computer screen). The methods used to localize the energy shocks that break typical molecular links are always coupled with the resonance of the corresponding electron bridge in the CADISTOR structure. On the basis of this resonance and the energy released (destroying spin tissue), quantum filling is carried out due to the emergence of sub-stable nonlinear processes in the heterogeneous structure, which leads to an amplification of the radiation response of the organism.

9d nls manual pdf

9d nls manual pdf


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Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy
Sale Consultant : Mr Mark

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