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Oberon device who Need it?

Oberon device who Need it?
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Oberon device Oberon device Oberon device

What is Oberon Device of the organism?


The “Russian Institute of Practical Oberon Device” in Moscow applies the science of physics to improving the quality of life. It researches and creates new technology. This medical tool uses state of the art technology that took 20 years to develop and codify.

diacomAs part of an extensive governmental project at the Institute, a team of doctors, physicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists developed a new innovative medical device. It scans and diagnoses all organs and tissues of the body at a cellular level. Once scanned and diagnosed, the same machine is used to bring any non-optimum condition back to normal and optimum function.

Oberon device who Need it?

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Because it operates on a cellular level, it can detect and treat a “potential disease” in its primary stage that would not be discovered otherwise.

It was initially used by the Russian military to treat servicemen because it was faster and more precise than previous medical procedures. It takes the “guess work” and “opinion” out of it.
The Russian government uses it to maintain good health for their astronauts, soldiers and government officials. Another use is on Russian submarines where medical procedures such as surgery at low depths or under pressure can have risks. After its successful use in the military, it was given to hospitals, doctors, and other health care professionals.

The device parts include the scanner, special headset and computer monitors. It diagnoses and treats all areas of the body including: heart and circulatory system, lungs, stomach and intestines, the reproductive system, the skeletal system inside and outside the bones, muscles, the endocrine system, sight and hearing, the nervous system, thyroid, adrenals, pituitary gland, pancreas, thymus, lymph system, blood cells, spinal cord, cells and organ tissues, etc. If it’s part of the body, it can be successfully diagnosed and treated.

The device can identify a weak or reduced-function organ before it creates a problem. No other medical practice can find potential problems and weaknesses as easily and as early in the disease progression cycle. It finds and destroys harmful microbes (short for microorganisms or “microscopic” organisms). Microbes are bacteria, virus, parasites or fungi that cause disease. Everyone has microbes to some degree in their body. These microbes are nasty and cause more trouble than one would think.

Most, if not all diseases, originate in the “gut” due to these microbes. A particular type of microbe is a parasite like a worm or fungus that robs the body of its needed nutrients. The microbes intercept glucose which was headed for the cells in the organs. Glucose is a simple sugar used as an energy source. So the affected cells are robbed of the energy they need for optimum function. Thus, these affected cells become weak.

These microbes excrete waste products called mycotoxins which are poisonous acidic substances, totally worthless to the cells, and very harmful to the body. So, not only are the cells weak from their food supply being intercepted by parasites, they are also living in toxic waste (the mycotoxins). This further weakens the cells. Since organs are made exclusively of cells, when the cells become weak, the organs themselves become weak. The immune system becomes overworked in an attempt to correct the non-optimum weakened organs.

The microbes are found when scanned by the diagnostic process, and then destroyed in the treatment process. By destroying the microbes, without affecting the good bacteria and cells, you’re addressing the causes of disease, not just the symptoms. It’s no secret that cancer, asthma, diabetes, eczema and psoriasis (skin disorders), and many other diseases have a common denominator – a steady decline of the immune system caused by microbes in the gut, intestinal tract, or in the blood. As a result, the body is predisposed to illness and chronic disease.

A big advantage of this treatment is that it can be used on children, even babies. For example, a baby with a bad rash was scanned. From the diagnostic scanning, it was discovered that the baby was allergic to cat hair. When the cat in the house was removed, the rash disappeared. The baby’s allergy to cat hair was discovered without any invasive practices or blood work. It’s absolutely safe and painless for anyone, from children to pregnant women.

To give you more reality on what occurs: You sit in front of the device. You’re able to watch (on a computer monitor) the areas of the your body being scanned or treated. This is graphically shown with detailed illustrations on a computer screen. Over 200 body organs and parts can be looked at, from skeleton to blood cells. Over 1000 patterns in the body are available for detailed analysis and viewing. Not only is this treatment incredibly effective and safe, it’s also fun!

This precise technology is now available in Clearwater from Dr. Veronika Zaitsevskiy. She is a Russian doctor trained and certified in Moscow in health restoration, treating causes not symptoms. Her primary purpose is to help others, and she really cares.

Oberon device

How Oberon Device work?

The device works on the principle of amplification of the iniciated signals with the disintegration of metastable structures. By influencing external electromagnetic fields the magnetic moments of the molecular currents in the centers of the cortex nerve cells are loosing their authentic orientation. This causes faulty adjustment of eddy structures of delocalized electrons which lead to formation of unstable metastable states. Disintegration of such state acts as iniciated signal. Expressed physically this device is system of the electronic oscillator which oscillates at appropriate wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. Its energy corresponds to the energy that degrades dominant bonds that maintain structural organization of biological objects in a good condition.The device can cause a bioelectric aktivity of the brain cells so it is possible to selectively amplify signals in the background, which compared to static currents, are hard to detect. Information concerning specific temporal condition of organs and tissues are gathered on the basis of non-contact sensor that was developed using modern information technology and infrasonic circuits. This sensor reveals hardly detectable fluctuation of signals, which are filtered from sound fields and subsequently converted into a digital sequence where they are processed by a microprocessor and, using the interface cable, transferred to a computer.The development of a new generation of nonlinear computer scanners (metatrons), which make use of multidimensional virtual imaging of the object under investigation, has enabled to substantially enhance the effectiveness of the NLS-method and even expand its field of application, despite the competitiveness from MRT. The distinctive feature of multidimensional NLS imaging is an initially volumetric nature of scanning.

The data thus received are an integral array, which facilitates the reconstruction of multidimensional virtual images of anatomical structures of the object under investigation. In this connection the virtual NLS is widely used, especially for angiographic investigations with a three-dimensional reconstruction of vascular formations. Another prospective field of application of the three-dimensional image reconstruction based on the data received by means of multidimensional NLS is the study of hollow organs with Уvirtual NLS-scopyФ involved. This kind of system was developed by Medintech Company for its high-speed multidimensional nonlinear scanners, Z series, and was called Hunter. Hugh resolution maintained during spiral scanning and the use of LAPP system (a system parallel processors with super high computational capability and speed of operation) enable to realize in the project the principle of Уvirtual NLS-scopyФ at Voxel Z multimodal DICOM- compatible work station which is the principal system of imaging and subsequent data processing with Medintech scanners. NLS images are made ready for visual analysis by means of 4-d Tissue original company-developed method that makes it possible not only to obtain virtual multidimensional icons of anatomical structures but also to single out a specific biological tissue of interest-an extra dimension-and in addition make an imaged bones, soft tissue and vessels at a time. The specific characteristic of the representation of virtual data by the Hunter system is simultaneous of surfaces of cavatus and extramural formations located outside the lumen of the cavity under examination (lymph nodes, vessels). The images that are received form a natural sequence of virtual NLS pictures.

So some special navigation programs automatically define the path of motion of the Уvirtual scannerФ by the center of the cavity under examination. The path of motion can be chosen by the operator by means of some other adjustments, which enable to specify the NLS picture in detail by changing of views. A raised representation of the cavity surface is also possible with some deliberate areas of shade involved. The produced sequences of NLS pictures can be easily transformed into a standard VHS video format by means of the epi-Clien program and thus be used in common video systems, specifically in teleradiology. The Hunter system is in the first place designed to reveal patients having obstructive processes in the upper respiratory passages, bulky esophageal, gastric or colonic formations, atherosclerotic lesions o large vessels, and disorders affecting paranasal sinuses, bladder, or spinal canal. The data gathered through Уvirtual NLS-scopyФ enable to pick out in good time the optimum spot for biopsy and find out the extent of the required surgical intervention.

This new model performs all energy diagnostic analysis automatically and completely on its own. All measured data and analysis are evaluated in tables, so you can see and watch the last 4 diagnosis at once. The device is able to compare immediately and to evaluate correctly the measured values of the previous analyzes. Everything can be printed out immediately. While printing, you can also choose adjustment and printing of required parameters. The device allows you to choose manual settings as in the previous systems or semi-automatic settings when energy harmonization. It is able to test suitable food supplements, herbs, foods, allergens, pathogens, etc. Another inovation brings an option to compare the diagnostic of the measured curves, spin energy of organs and energy map of organs. The device was also supplemented with further testing for pathogens, list of another 25 companies dealing with dietary supplements and testing for suitable foods for a particular client. Another new feature is the automatic quantum harmonization. The programming software is regularly improved. Once you connect to the Internet and the program runs on the computer, a new current database of other allergens, pathogens, nutritional supplements, homeopathic remedies and other software upgrade is downloaded. If you have a problem with the software, we will quickly resolve it using a remote connection to your computer.

Each Oberon Device is calibrated with a computer processor to work as precisely as possible. It can be set to normal or higher sensitivity. A computer with installed software should be used only for diagnostic and notes. Installing additional software and downloading can recalibrate the device and partly influence the evaluation of recorded samples. Therefore we recommend to use the computer only for diagnostics and energy health analysis. We also provide remote maintenance of your computer, so you do not necessarily need to drive tens or hundreds of kilometers in order to fix any error or blockage of the program.

Oberon device

Oberon Device details function:


1.Green examination on the body without any harm.

2.Not only can see the health status of the internal organs, and also easy to Know health trends after 3-5 years.

3.Rapid detection of 12 systems of the body tissue changes, can be comparison relevant range of scanning up to 300 completed the speed of light 100,000 scan points to ensure the accuracy of detection.

4.Quickly to help the user to understanding of the role of specific organ in advance.

5.To make test data on the efficacy of daily food or health food.

6.Provide the professional image of teaching materials for the training of the practitioners expertise.

7.Provide the basis tracking for the sale of health products efficacy.

8.Can provide personality health professional data recovery plan for consumers.

9.Can provide daily health diet guidancefor consumers.

Oberon device

Oberon device who Need it??

Doctors including family doctors
Hospitals and clinics
Educational institutions
Gyms, sports centers, and various recreational departments
Spas, beauty centers, and cosmetic facilities
Alternative health practitioners
Reiki practitioners

Oberon Device is for everyone

Anyone and everyone who is interested in taking control of their health can use the Oberon Device. Anyone who needs therapeutic recovery from a health imbalance and a preventative method to monitor health-using frequencies can use the Oberon Device. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing the best quality training at an affordable price in order to make you an expert on our system as well as an expert of your health. Personal training online is free and ongoing. By appointment, you can set as many sessions with one of our trainers and continue your Oberon Device education. Everyone is invited to try the Oberon Device biofeedback system.

Family Doctors

Family doctors have a unique opportunity to use the Oberon Device Biofeedback system in their practice because they already have a client base and level of trust built with patients. The Oberon Device is non-invasive and very straight forward tool. If at any time a patient comes in with a difficult health symptom a doctor can use the Oberon Device to identify where frequency imbalances are and determine how to bring them back to balance in order to help the patient recover.

Clinics and Medical Facilities

The Oberon Device biofeedback system helps in the clinical reception. This method not only helps you save time but you can also lower the costs of the analysis process. The Oberon Device may facilitate a diagnosis without having to send your patients to the specialists. The Oberon Device will let you examine all the issues a patient may have and can provide you with a treatment and healing method. Oberon Device is very detailed and will provide the information necessary to address the patients’ unique health concerns without invasive procedures and expensive testing.

Education Facilities and Employers

A health scan once a month can be a huge step in preventative health and a heads up for any possible future issue. Knowing what imbalances are present in the body can lead to options in therapeutic methods to avoid serious illness in the future. Offering health scans to employees and students will limit the amount of health costs in the future and insure the health of your students and employees.

Sports, Recreation Centers and Fitness Facility

While performing serious exercises one must have continuous monitoring of their health. Offering health scans as part of an exercise regime will benefit the athlete as well as the facility by avoiding long term health problems due to over indulgence of specific foods or over strain of exercise. The Oberon Device offers options for food recommendations and a test of vitamin levels in the body to make sure all is normal.

Family and Friends

Oberon Device biofeedback device helps you monitor the health of your friends and family. You can easily scan family members and look into imbalances, monitor and provide therapy to balance them out. Saving the family thousands in medical bills and avoiding terminal illness by catching it in advance and naturally healing the process.

Cosmetics and Spa Salons

Those interested in better health and youthful appearance must first learn about the internal condition of their organs, tissues and cells. Looking great and feeling great is important, but it is also important to be healthy from the inside out in order to live a long and healthy life to enjoy these luxuries. Oberon Device Biofeedback offers health scans on skin tissue, blood cells and other areas related to good looks. Few of our clients are Spa owners so if you are interested in learning about their experience please email us.

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