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The Pros and Cons of ocz vector diagnostic tool

The Pros and Cons of ocz vector diagnostic tool
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ocz vector diagnostic tool

ocz vector diagnostic tool Features,functions,do the following analysis

ocz vector diagnostic tool Features,functions,do the following analysis

ocz vector diagnostic tool Main Features:

From the organs, tissues, cells into the chromosome, deep analysis of the problem, rapid detection of 450 items of the body tissue changes.
The latest database, the result is more accurate, more than 90%.
With the clinical experience of physicians, and other test cross analysis, it can effectively improve the clinical diagnostic significance.
The rapid collection of data by the inspector general health, the great value of academic research.
The detection process is fast, safe, non-radiation, non-invasive.
Early detection of changes in tissue structure and function can be found in the early signs of the disease.
With the effect of X-ray detection, ultrasound, CT and MRI, the value lies not in general can be compared.
Only the integration spectrum, quantum resonance analysis and three audio technologies.
Intuitively “see from the inside,” the relationship between their organs, between pathogens and disease.
The detection of food, medicines and health foods if they are really effective, avoid blind you eat.
Providing personalized anti proposal, truly advanced health management to achieve a healthy and long life.

ocz vector diagnostic tool do the following analysis:

The disease pathology and tissue damage analysis (Pathophysiology):
can understand the current cause tissue damage is what disease or predisposition, or has caused damage to the tissue is what disease or condition.
The viruses and bacteria and parasites of injury and activity analysis (Microorganisms & Helminths):
can understand the current cause tissue damage that is what viruses, bacteria or parasites, and can analyze in vivo activity of the microorganisms present state; also assess the organs, currently relatively self-protection function and immune function status.
The allergen analysis (Allergens):
learn about the organization of the cells or genes which ingredients (from food, household goods, or chemicals) have a higher sensitivity to frequency response.
4: The beneficial and discomfort of food or nutritional analysis (Foods) (Nutriceuticals & Parapharmaceuticals):learn what kind of food to a part of the body cells and gene organization is beneficial or not appropriate.
5: The applicable drug and condition analysis (Allopathy) (Phytotherapy) (Homeopathy):
can understand the hurt of the tissue, the current pharmaceutical ingredients in what is the most appropriate treatment, but also to understand the current relative to the tissue damage caused by what kind of diseases or conditions.
6: The condition of the tissue biochemical balance analysis (Biochemical homeostasis):
can understand the cell area of the organization, the level of the current state of biochemical reactions in order to understand the pathological conditions in the area; also alternatively recommend biochemical test items.
7: Cells of an organ or tissue damage extent analysis (Organopreparations):
can understand the cell area of the organization, the current situation is the initial functional damage, or has reached the extent of structural damage (IE ultrasound, MRI or CT can already be detected).

ocz vector diagnostic tool Main functions:

More than a dozen human organ classification, more than 450 kinds of more organs available to scan the site to determine.
Showing the current changes in the body structure and function and the degree of injury.
Can cause tissue damage to the current understanding of what kind of disease or predisposition.
Thermodynamic analysis showing the current changes in the body structure and function and the degree of injury.
Can understand the current caused by the tissue damage which is a virus, bacteria or parasites, and can analyze in vivo activity of the current state of the microorganism.
Allergens can understand the cell or gene analysis of the organization to which the composition has a higher sensitivity to frequency response.
Can understand the hurt of the tissue cells, in which the current drug or health food ingredients is the most suitable.
Energy restoration, energy replication frequency micro-conditioning and so on.

ocz vector diagnostic tool

ocz vector diagnostic toolConditions treated with Bio resonance therapy

ocz vector diagnostic toolConditions treated with Bio resonance therapy:
Acute Infectious Diseases
Bronchial Asthma
Autoimmune Diseases
Degenerative Organic Diseases
Rheumatic Diseases
Gynecological Disorders such as:
– Painful Menstruation
– Hormonal Imbalance
– Pre-natal Treatment
Immunodeficiency of varied origin
Post-Vaccine Complications
Intoxication and Toxic Stress
Headache and Migraine
Mycotic and Parasitic Disorders
All Types of Pain
Neurodermatitis and Eczema
Sports Injuries
Metabolic Diseases
Pre and Postoperative Treatment(s)
Secondary Viral Disorders
Urological Disorders

ocz vector diagnostic tool

13 Functions are only in theocz vector diagnostic tool softare

13 Functions are only in theocz vector diagnostic tool softare :

1.The standards groups setting.
2. Fixing the three selected research schemes.
3. Automatic determination of the entropy index.
4. Auto META-Therapy
5.Can choose scanning speed
6.More convenient customer management .
7.More flexible Diagnostic report editing .
8.More intuitive diagnostic report .
9.More research scheme.
10.More Comparison of the database.
11.Faster scanning speed .
12.Accurate anatomic structures.
13.User friendly.

ocz vector diagnostic tool

What is ocz vector diagnostic tool Accuracy?

What is ocz vector diagnostic tool Accuracy?

ocz vector diagnostic tool compared with other methodologies

NLS-diagnosis:64, 4%
MRI:23, 4%

Average accuracy of diagnosis by comparing clinical research results on 5 areas: Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Gynaecology and Endocrinology.

ocz vector diagnostic tool

Whatocz vector diagnostic toolConditionsocz vector diagnostic toolTreatedocz vector diagnostic toolWithocz vector diagnostic toolBioocz vector diagnostic toolResonanceocz vector diagnostic toolTherapy?

Whatocz vector diagnostic toolConditionsocz vector diagnostic toolTreatedocz vector diagnostic toolWithocz vector diagnostic toolBioocz vector diagnostic toolResonanceocz vector diagnostic toolTherapy?

•ocz vector diagnostic toolAllergiesocz vector diagnostic tool•ocz vector diagnostic toolADHDocz vector diagnostic tool•ocz vector diagnostic toolAcuteocz vector diagnostic toolInfectiousocz vector diagnostic toolDiseasesocz vector diagnostic tool•ocz vector diagnostic toolBronchialocz vector diagnostic toolAsthmaocz vector diagnostic tool•ocz vector diagnostic toolAutoimmuneocz vector diagnostic toolDiseases
•ocz vector diagnostic toolDegenerativeocz vector diagnostic toolOrganicocz vector diagnostic toolDiseasesocz vector diagnostic tool•ocz vector diagnostic toolRheumaticocz vector diagnostic toolDiseasesocz vector diagnostic tool•Arthropathy
•ocz vector diagnostic toolGynecologicalocz vector diagnostic toolDisordersocz vector diagnostic toolsuchocz vector diagnostic toolas:
–ocz vector diagnostic toolPainfulocz vector diagnostic toolMenstruationocz vector diagnostic tool–ocz vector diagnostic toolHormonalocz vector diagnostic toolImbalanceocz vector diagnostic tool–ocz vector diagnostic toolPre-natalocz vector diagnostic toolTreatment
•ocz vector diagnostic toolImmunodeficiencyocz vector diagnostic toolofocz vector diagnostic toolvariedocz vector diagnostic tooloriginocz vector diagnostic tool•ocz vector diagnostic toolPost-Vaccineocz vector diagnostic toolComplications
•ocz vector diagnostic toolIntoxicationocz vector diagnostic toolandocz vector diagnostic toolToxicocz vector diagnostic toolStress
•ocz vector diagnostic toolHeadacheocz vector diagnostic toolandocz vector diagnostic toolMigraineocz vector diagnostic tool•ocz vector diagnostic toolMycoticocz vector diagnostic toolandocz vector diagnostic toolParasiticocz vector diagnostic toolDisordersocz vector diagnostic tool•ocz vector diagnostic toolAllocz vector diagnostic toolTypesocz vector diagnostic toolofocz vector diagnostic toolPain
•ocz vector diagnostic toolNeurodermatitisocz vector diagnostic toolandocz vector diagnostic toolEczemaocz vector diagnostic tool•ocz vector diagnostic toolSportsocz vector diagnostic toolInjuriesocz vector diagnostic tool•ocz vector diagnostic toolMetabolicocz vector diagnostic toolDiseases
•ocz vector diagnostic toolPreocz vector diagnostic toolandocz vector diagnostic toolPostoperativeocz vector diagnostic toolTreatment(s)
•ocz vector diagnostic toolSecondaryocz vector diagnostic toolViralocz vector diagnostic toolDisordersocz vector diagnostic tool•ocz vector diagnostic toolUrologicalocz vector diagnostic toolDisorders

ocz vector diagnostic tool

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Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy
Sale Consultant : Mr Mark

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