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What Scientists Can Tell Us About gfp-nls vector

What Scientists Can Tell Us About gfp-nls vector
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gfp-nls vector

What is gfp-nls vector of the organism?

What is gfp-nls vector of the organism?


The “Russian Institute of Practical Psychophysics” in Moscow applies the science of physics to improving the quality of life. It researches and creates new technology. This medical tool uses state of the art technology that took 20 years to develop and codify.

diacomAs part of an extensive governmental project at the Institute, a team of doctors, physicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists developed a new innovative medical device. It scans and diagnoses all organs and tissues of the body at a cellular level. Once scanned and diagnosed, the same machine is used to bring any non-optimum condition back to normal and optimum function.

Because it operates on a cellular level, it can detect and treat a “potential disease” in its primary stage that would not be discovered otherwise.

It was initially used by the Russian military to treat servicemen because it was faster and more precise than previous medical procedures. It takes the “guess work” and “opinion” out of it.
The Russian government uses it to maintain good health for their astronauts, soldiers and government officials. Another use is on Russian submarines where medical procedures such as surgery at low depths or under pressure can have risks. After its successful use in the military, it was given to hospitals, doctors, and other health care professionals.

The device parts include the scanner, special headset and computer monitors. It diagnoses and treats all areas of the body including: heart and circulatory system, lungs, stomach and intestines, the reproductive system, the skeletal system inside and outside the bones, muscles, the endocrine system, sight and hearing, the nervous system, thyroid, adrenals, pituitary gland, pancreas, thymus, lymph system, blood cells, spinal cord, cells and organ tissues, etc. If it’s part of the body, it can be successfully diagnosed and treated.

The device can identify a weak or reduced-function organ before it creates a problem. No other medical practice can find potential problems and weaknesses as easily and as early in the disease progression cycle. It finds and destroys harmful microbes (short for microorganisms or “microscopic” organisms). Microbes are bacteria, virus, parasites or fungi that cause disease. Everyone has microbes to some degree in their body. These microbes are nasty and cause more trouble than one would think.

Most, if not all diseases, originate in the “gut” due to these microbes. A particular type of microbe is a parasite like a worm or fungus that robs the body of its needed nutrients. The microbes intercept glucose which was headed for the cells in the organs. Glucose is a simple sugar used as an energy source. So the affected cells are robbed of the energy they need for optimum function. Thus, these affected cells become weak.

These microbes excrete waste products called mycotoxins which are poisonous acidic substances, totally worthless to the cells, and very harmful to the body. So, not only are the cells weak from their food supply being intercepted by parasites, they are also living in toxic waste (the mycotoxins). This further weakens the cells. Since organs are made exclusively of cells, when the cells become weak, the organs themselves become weak. The immune system becomes overworked in an attempt to correct the non-optimum weakened organs.

The microbes are found when scanned by the diagnostic process, and then destroyed in the treatment process. By destroying the microbes, without affecting the good bacteria and cells, you’re addressing the causes of disease, not just the symptoms. It’s no secret that cancer, asthma, diabetes, eczema and psoriasis (skin disorders), and many other diseases have a common denominator – a steady decline of the immune system caused by microbes in the gut, intestinal tract, or in the blood. As a result, the body is predisposed to illness and chronic disease.

A big advantage of this treatment is that it can be used on children, even babies. For example, a baby with a bad rash was scanned. From the diagnostic scanning, it was discovered that the baby was allergic to cat hair. When the cat in the house was removed, the rash disappeared. The baby’s allergy to cat hair was discovered without any invasive practices or blood work. It’s absolutely safe and painless for anyone, from children to pregnant women.

To give you more reality on what occurs: You sit in front of the device. You’re able to watch (on a computer monitor) the areas of the your body being scanned or treated. This is graphically shown with detailed illustrations on a computer screen. Over 200 body organs and parts can be looked at, from skeleton to blood cells. Over 1000 patterns in the body are available for detailed analysis and viewing. Not only is this treatment incredibly effective and safe, it’s also fun!

This precise technology is now available in Clearwater from Dr. Veronika Zaitsevskiy. She is a Russian doctor trained and certified in Moscow in health restoration, treating causes not symptoms. Her primary purpose is to help others, and she really cares.

gfp-nls vector

What 8D NLS LRIS Conditions Treated With Bio Resonance Therapy?

What 8D NLS LRIS Conditions Treated With Bio Resonance Therapy?

• Allergies • ADHD • Acute Infectious Diseases • Bronchial Asthma • Autoimmune Diseases
• Degenerative Organic Diseases • Rheumatic Diseases •Arthropathy
• Gynecological Disorders such as:
– Painful Menstruation – Hormonal Imbalance – Pre-natal Treatment
• Immunodeficiency of varied origin • Post-Vaccine Complications
• Intoxication and Toxic Stress
• Headache and Migraine • Mycotic and Parasitic Disorders • All Types of Pain
• Neurodermatitis and Eczema • Sports Injuries • Metabolic Diseases
• Pre and Postoperative Treatment(s)
• Secondary Viral Disorders • Urological Disorders

gfp-nls vector

What gfp-nls vector Technical specifications of the device:

What gfp-nls vector Technical specifications of the device:

• Power supply – USB- port on your computer.
• Feeding voltage – 5 V;
• Current consumption – up to 300 mA;
• Range of evaluated frequencies 1Hz- 1MHz;
• Superposition of mediated frequencies to the electromagnetic component – 5.5 GHz;
• Interface speed – up to 1 MHz;
• Bioinductores – passive;
• Electromagnetic reprinter – active with a possible feedback.

gfp-nls vector

What The Difference Between 3D NLS And gfp-nls vector?

What The Difference Between 3D NLS And gfp-nls vector?

• Software of 3D NLS is the basic version, it is old version. software with LRIS-NLS are the latest version which developed by gfp-nls vector, and version number is VECTOR 03.
• It will take more than 2 hours for 3D NLS to do a whole body testing, and it takes about 10 minutes for the LRIS-NLS to do a express testing of our body.
• 3D NLS check 256 organs, and LRIS-NLS check more than 1000 organ and tissues.
• LRIS-NLS can be used Insulin, serotonin, lactate dehydrogenase, cholesterol,3D nls cannot do that.
• LRIS-NLS can be used to check Mammary organs and tissue cells, 3DNLS only do a basic check
• LRIS-NLS Analyzing trace elements of body’s cells, check cell’s trace elements state, In order to do a better understanding of elements balance, replenish the missing trace elements; Can scan the deepest psychological state, in order to do a better relationship analyzing between mental states and diseases of your body.
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, German, Czech , Polish, Romanian, Russian, Bulgarian, Japanese, Portuguese, Malay, Greek,Turkish, Hungarian, Chinese

gfp-nls vector

When oberon can use the bio therapy?

When oberon can use the bio therapy?

Acute Infectious Diseases
Bronchial Asthma
Autoimmune Diseases
Degenerative Organic Diseases
Rheumatic Diseases
Gynecological Disorders such as:
– Painful Menstruation
– Hormonal Imbalance
– Pre-natal Treatment
Immunodeficiency of varied origin
Post-Vaccine Complications
Intoxication and Toxic Stress
Headache and Migraine
Mycotic and Parasitic Disorders
All Types of Pain
Neurodermatitis and Eczema
Sports Injuries
Metabolic Diseases
Pre and Postoperative Treatment(s)
Secondary Viral Disorders
Urological Disorders

gfp-nls vector

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