13 reasons to fall head-over-heels in love with dolma 9d nls
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dolma 9d nls

dolma 9d nls

dolma 9d nls
dolma 9d nls Background & Research And history
At the present time, science and society are imposing an information overload on the, which is causing people to be drowning in a sea of confusion and information. A century ago, a diagnosis required a doctor’s medical observation. Today, the doctor insists on numerous studies and expensive research. And even with such extensive research, the question that begs to be asked is whether doctors are making proper use of the gathered information to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Some, however, may contend that it is possible that a diagnosis may be achieved by an unexplainable feeling called “intuition”.
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Modern science has invested many years of research and investigation into the topic of intuition and clairvoyance and, in the recent past, it is now felt that the phenomenon, through scientific research, can be revealed. Research corroborates that through very low electromagnetic frequency, vibrations transmit information within the human body and brain, which generally bypass the senses. Of the 10 million sources of information recognizing only one, the main source of information remains in the subconscious. Information is extracted from the sphere of the subconscious spontaneously and through altered states of consciousness, such as hypnosis, dreaming, meditation, or through the use of psychotropic drugs. Research has discovered that the entire world is profoundly interconnected through a set of information signals. Therefore, techniques allowing the gathering of information from the sphere of the subconscious have become priorities in the development of science.
The result of extensive investigation conducted in the field of the flow of energy information has made possible the creation of innovative equipment that exceeds the previously-conceived barrier between the conscious and subconscious. This analytical process, which has been the mission of many researchers, is now able to provide more information about the environment and the world in which we live. In its infancy, this research has produced devices that were considered classified information, which was shared with only a few elite individuals. As time passed, the veil of secrecy was removed and more people we educated as to the effects of the possibilities of the vast quantum universe. Further research and collaboration has given birth to new devices that are known as “brain machines” or psycho-physical amplifiers (metatrons).
Main Areas of Focus for Application of the “Brain Machines”
Devices classified as “brain machines” have been successfully employed in the fields of financial and social forecasting and in areas involving medical Analysis. The new devices have greatly enhanced many aspects of our lives and have not only brought together various diverse arenas in natural medicine, but have also been inherently responsible for creating a qualitative and quantitative leap in methodology, Analysis accuracy, and more accurate management of the state of the organism.
Research that gave impetus to the creation of such equipment began in 1917 by a man named Nikola Tesla and continued by many more scientists, among them, J. Lakhovsky, who studied the effect of radio frequencies on animals and plants. Then American researcher, Royal Rife, followed in the study and documentation of the beneficial nature of frequencies applied to certain diseases conditions. Rife’s expertise and theory is integrated in many of these new devices including the dolma 9d nls. In 1950, Reinhold Voll, a German medical doctor, discovered and developed a system for electro-testing of acupuncture points of the human body. Voll employed the first primitive device for investigation of the energy-body state. The study provided insight into the presence of inflammation, degeneration, and atrophy with regard to the relevant body systems. Another extensively employed method of energy-analysis involves a method called aura-analysis, which is measured by the use of Kirlian photography. An aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds every living being and is manifested in the physical field by electrically charged objects that represent themselves as different colors that surround the body. This electromagnetic field can provide information regarding a person’s emotional state, the quality of consciousness and will determine the level of health regarding an individual organ and organ systems.

vector nls russia

vector nls russia

vector nls russia
The early NLS-Analysis tools will evaluate the state of the bio-energy of each body system individually. The results obtained will be represented both in a visual form that will display the topography of a lesion and in a graphical form. Results presented in this manner allow a practitioner to view changes occurring in body tissue, which helps to determine the characteristics of injury (inflammation or destruction), generally allowing for more precision diagnosing. The investigation is conducted through the amplification of radiation.
The first devices that were developed required manual data input, which means that the diagnosis actively involved the researcher, whose brain, through the use of low-frequency vibrations, became more sensitive and interactive with the radiation of the patient. In other words, earlier devices would compromise both the patient’s and practitioner’s health with exposure to higher levels of radiation. Results have been reported by the deviation of the L-shaped frame in the hand of the operator via use of a special scale called a Fleyndera (scale is in the Analysis module of the program).
This method of examination and study, however, was far too subjective and was considered unsafe for the health of the operator. This led to the creation of trigger sensors that provide automatic entry of information about the health of the patient, which, therefore, is entered into the computer. For the first time, there was the measurement of distant or non-local effects of the interaction of objects, both animate and inanimate in nature, meaning that a transmission from person-to-car was registered in the experiments of VN Kravkov in the 20th of century. Under the guidance of Prof. B. Togatova, the impact of bio-operators has been studied using various semiconductors. Science has proven that the human brain, without the aid of wires, can affect the sensitive sensor in the dolma 9d nls device. Via the use of remote biofeedback equipment and telemetry devices, developers have designed equipment that perceives brain activity of the operator or the subject, depending upon the objectives of the study, wherein the devices have converted this information into a sequence of pulses by using a special trigger sensor. The human brain will receive a signal regarding the need to test one or more organs of the body, which signal is displayed on the computer monitor and is captured in the headphones of subject. The signal represents a series of electromagnetic oscillations characteristic of healthy organs. Every human body possesses its own particular spectrum of electromagnetic oscillations. The question regarding the state of the health can be explored, and in response to a question, the subject’s brain provides an answer, which is then perceived by the sensors. The outcome represents the state of the body organism.
The dolma 9d nls provides a response with no use of radiation. The communication is simple, effective, and information gathered about the organs provides an accurate analysis, thus enabling the recognition of changes at the cellular level prior to the manifestation of a serious illness.

vector nls russia

vector nls russia

vector nls russia
About dolma 9d nls Biofield Therapy
Biofield therapies affect energy fields that surround and penetrate the human body. Examples include: Qi Gong, Reike, Reconnective healing and Therapeutic Touch etc.
dolma 9d nls Biofield Therapy is not intended to treat any specific conditions, but provide the healing that the client is need of at the moment of receiving it.
dolma 9d nls Biofield Therapy involves passing down energy, light and information to the body. This means you’re not only getting healings that deal with just physical, mental or emotional issues, but it heals on EVERY level – allowing the evolution of your very being and essence!
It is important that you not hold any attachment to a particular outcome, as it will not be addressing your symptoms, attempting to diagnose your condition or advise you with regards to medical care. The Practitioner does not direct the healing, but rather, facilitate the connection between you & the frequencies to provide your complete being with the information that it needs to heal itself on every level. It sometimes takes weeks or even months for the healing to “seep down” into the physical body, because every aspect of your being is addressed; however people often report an immediate change that begins during the first healing session.
WHAT IS dolma 9d nls Features ?
The Vector program combines features of many people’s preferences. Emotions, health issues, pains, and suggestions to a healthier you are some of the features included. What makes Vector different is the combination of many functions:
Biofield Imbalance Analysis:
Energy of a person’s core
Organ biofields
Pathomorphology energies
Microorganisms (parasites, bacteria & viruses)
Individual biofields compared to disease biofields
Geo-pollution pathogen biofields
Vaccination biofields
Allergen irritants
Food imbalances
Ninety metals
Biochemical homeostasis
Fears & Emotions
Biofield weakness
Impact on the environment
Implant energies
Biofield Balancing Actions:
Meta-Therapy, remedies by inverting stress frequencies
Homeopathy remedies
Bioidentical hormone energies
Bach Flower energies
Herb Energies
Phytotherapy energies
Bioresonance balancing
Inverting Vaccination frequencies
Therapeutic cosmetology
Crystal stone therapy
Stimulates & energizes
Organic preparations
Fears & Emotions
Remedy Analysis &/or Balancing
Spring Health
Tianshi group
Vision – Program 23
Art Life
Vita Max
Schussler Salts
Vaccine strains
Regena therapy
Nutricevtics & paraphaemaceuticals
Nosoligical forms
Alternative Health Evaluations:
Zodiac description leaning toward a certain health issues
Birth date helps the accuracy of the biofield analysis
500 names of biofield organs and organisms
Facial clues of imbalances
Tongue clues of imbalances
Main Analysis Functions:
Anatomy biofield energies 1 – 6 displayed
Red & blue display of hyper & hypo biofield charges
Etalon coefficients of biofield pathomorphologies
Entropy (disorder) analysis valuations 1 – 7
Vegeto test to indicate best coping frequencies/remedies
Micro-organism biofield analysis

nls vector

nls vector

nls vector

nls vector
13 reasons to fall head-over-heels in love with dolma 9d nls
1.The standards groups setting.
2. Fixing the three selected research schemes.
3. Automatic determination of the entropy index.
4. Auto META-Therapy
5.Can choose scanning speed
6.More convenient customer management .
7.More flexible Diagnostic report editing .
8.More intuitive diagnostic report .
9.More research scheme.
10.More Comparison of the database.
11.Faster scanning speed .
12.Accurate anatomic structures.
13.User friendly.
dolma 9d nls how to Operate
One finger can complete all operations !
We choose industrial touch-screen computers !
(Which use for Outdoor Payment Kiosk, POS machines, Transportation, Industrial Automation, Medical Treatment etc. Capacitive screen, strong sensitivity, solid state drives )
32G / 64G / 128G hard drive optional
Optional wireless keyboard and mouse
Multi-angle adjustment
One machine,can use software directly,do not need you install by yourself !
HDMI,VGA … Multiple Interfaces
Then you can see it improve or wosen.
Who and where need the dolma 9d nls
dolma 9d nls health analyzer allows detecting and monitoring the expression of genetically caused diseases among all family members
Greatly increases the efficiency of clinical examination and the initial reception. Significantly lower costs of finance and time. Physicians are exempt from routine and often formal work. No need to send your clients to other specialists, you can assist them by examining all the concerns they have and providing treatment, and healing methods.
Becomes a real continuous monitoring of the health of all children and staff at intervals of not less than once a month, the ability to assess the adequacy of student’s health.
Objective medical monitoring is required whenever there is a serious exercise. This equipment allows us to create an individual program, taking into account features of the organism.
GY-51dolma 9d nls advanced NLS is a great tool to monitor the health of your family and friends. Provides means of checkup, treatment and healing without having to spend large amounts of finances on health care services.
Metatro dolma 9d nls
Concern about the health of its customers – a very strong competitive trump card. Objective assessment of the client can choose individual cosmetic program and achieve impressive results.