Who Can Use Vector?
- Doctors including family doctors
- Hospitals and clinics
- Educational institutions
- Sanatoriums
- Gyms, sports centers, and various recreational departments
- Spas, beauty centers, and cosmetic facilities
- Alternative health practitioners
- Naturopaths
- Reiki practitioners
What is BioResonance and Bioresonance Biofeedback Therapy?
Vector NLS works on Bioresonance Biofeedback concept. The vibration of the atoms in cells creates frequencies. The frequencies of cells make up frequencies of organs which are analyzed by Vector Biofeedback. These frequencies are altered in diseased states. These tiny differences can be picked up by sophisticated hardware and software of Vector NLS Machine. The machine can compensate for the energy difference in a biofeedback mode. This is Bioresonance Biofeedback Therapy. Bio-resonance Biofeedback therapy uses electromagnetic waves to correct a host of physiological disorders. These electromagnetic waves are of a frequency that matches the frequency of the living organism and hence, resonance takes place. Bio-resonance is performed through Vector biofeedback devices between an individual’s physical body and their vibration levels or frequency. The Vector system analyzes the various physiological functions of the body, and then generates the appropriate signal to correct any disorders that might be present.