What is vector nls system analyzer?
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vector nls system analyzer

vector nls system analyzer

vector nls system analyzer
What is Vector nls system analyzer Bioresonance QMR Scanner?-Body Health Analyzer QMR Scanner By sensing and analyzing the biophoto radiation of the brain, we get an accurate picture of the functioning, physiological and energetic condition of our body. In the Bioresonance Scanner instrumental study, we gain insight into the metabolism, organ system, and cellular energy processes in the body in the most natural and most fragile way. Based on the resonant frequencies, it measures the elements that cause vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, heavy metals, toxins, herds, and allergic susceptibility.
Homeopathic remedies
The Vector nls system analyzer Bioresonance Scanners, from the 5718 spectral standard frequency, can be used to configure a specific frequency packet for a specific case. This frequency spectrum package is irradiated by the crystal in the resonance cup or by water or oil. This preparation can be used as a homeopathic remedy.
Vegeto Test
The vegeto-test function allows you to assess the fitness for a planned or used drug, diet supplement, cream and any other formulation.
The instrument measures the frequency spectrum of the formulations in the resonance chamber. It compares the vibration of the body with the standard frequency spectrum and calculates the suitability of the agent. Whether it really helps to restore the body. Measures the chances of allergic reaction.This procedure can be used to determine whether it is really useful for the patient.
Frequency Therapy
The Vector nls system analyzer Bioresonance Scanners can radiate a total of 5718 different spectral etalon frequencies during Frequency Therapy.
Spectral frequency ranges from 5718 can be tailored to the specific case, frequency therapy.The Biorezonance Scanner, by radiating quantum energy vibration, helps restore the patient’s bioenergetic, biophonic, aura-energetic operation.
Compilation of Therapy
Vitamins, minerals, anionic acids measured by Bioresonance Scanners can be inferred from dietary bugs. Measurement results of heavy metals and other toxic substances show how detoxification is useful.Allergic test results show the type of substances that react sensitively to the body.Based on the results, it is possible to compile the most effective cleansing cure and clearly show the diet with which to achieve complete regeneration.Analyzing the biological lesions of the Vector nls system analyzer Bioresonance Scanners with the New German Medicines system, the patient’s emotional, mental state, stress, anxiety and anxiety are precisely outlined. In practice, we are immediately able to reach the root cause of biological changes, which can be treated with the utmost urgency of health.For the treatment of these mental causes and physical symptoms, every physician, natural therapist, with his / her specialty can use targeted, precise, treatment. Health has not been up to date with the efficiency that has been experienced so far. All Vector nls system analyzer bioresonance scanners use this rapid recovery, even in cases where nothing has helped them for years.
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How vector nls system analyzer work?
HOW Vector nls system analyzer WORKS
The principles of Quantum Entropy Logic-NLS developed by modern day Russian scientists reveal that biological structures have a bioenergy field that includes magnetic vortex oscillations recorded on a matrix. Pathological biological processes have associated unstable magnetic vortex states (meta states). These same Russian scientists developed the technology to isolate and record the unstable magnetic vortex states associated with the corresponding biological processes. Vector-NLS is the most advanced Quantum Bioresonance Analysis and Therapy technology available today.
Assessment of the body is due to resonant amplification of the magnetic vortex states. Each organ has a specific, frequency range of magnetic vortex states, which are displayed in chart form. Any biological process, whether healthy or pathological has very specific magnetic vortex oscillations. These are stored in the computer memory and take into account the severity, age, gender and other characteristics of the subjects.
The Vector nls system analyzer technology is classified as biofeedback technology. Data is collected by resonance amplification of the magnetic vortex states of the entire biofield matrix by using trigger sensors. By using a computer driven instrument in a safe, noninvasive, painless and effective way, information about the entire biofield matrix is displayed down to the level of the chromosome biofield.
The patient sits in front of the computer monitor and wears headphones for 15-30 minutes. During this time there is a collection of information about the state of his/her biofield. After this, various analyses are performed and summaries are displayed reflecting the energetic health of the patient. Color icons show various degrees of unstable magnetic vortex states displayed on the computer screens virtual model.
The holistic professional compares the computer displays to the similarity of the reference biofield processes (healthy biofield, altered tissue biofield, infectious agent’s biofield) and identifies the closest emerging biofield process or tendency.
At Energy Healing Arts we are dedicated to helping people restore their health, and prevent unnecessary degeneration, through the most advanced technology today. With a list of over 1000 biofield anatomy parts, detailed descriptions of every pathological biofield process, virus and bacteria biofields, suggested herb biofields, remedy preparation tool, Meta-therapy, and many other parts, the Vector nls system analyzer is simply amazing in its accuracy and detail.
The ultimate goal will be to help you increase relaxation, relieve pain, increase cellular health and develop healthier, more comfortable life patterns while enhancing your biofield matrix. The changes and possibilities will be up to you and your practitioner.
Why vector nls system analyzer?
Vector nls system analyzer system Features?
Differing from other methods of hardware diagnostics, “Vector nls system analyzer system” system can reveal early prenosological stages of pathological processes before pronounced clinical manifestation appear, which hardly can be revealed by other methods of diagnostics, such as ultrasound, Comparison With Computer Tomography and NMR. The system is safe for the human. Differing from other methods of hardware diagnostics, “Vector nls system analyzer system” system can reveal early prenosological stages of pathological processes before pronounced clinical manifestation appear, which hardly can be revealed by other methods of diagnostics, such as ultrasound, Comparison With Computer Tomography and NMR. The system is safe for the human.Group of diseases Reliability of early diagnostic* (%)
Gastroenterology 74-86%
Pulmonology 65-72%
Gynaecology 78-82%
Endocrinology 52-65%
Oncology 38-42%
The principles by realizing of which the system operates as a diagnostic one are described below. Each sort of cells has its own energy of destruction typical for certain intercellular molecular link. By changing characteristics of Vector nls system analyzer systemcadistor radiation, one can cause a destruction of intercellular structures links (and related spin orientations of bio-molecular combinations) of any cells of organism tissues. It is natural that the more stable and correspondingly more damaged condition researched tissues have, the more pronounced response we will have according to quantum entropy logic theory. At the same time scanning frequencies will coordinate position of response which together with value of response will draw general geometry of accumulated damages in an organism. As soon as response is located by operation of psychophysical phenomena, we additionally introduced a number of physical forces activating brain functions of investigated persons, and also adjusting it resonantly (visualization of located organs on a screen of a computer, using of associativity principle). Using at locating energy impact which destroy typical molecular links is always interfits with resonance of corresponding electronic bridges in cadistor structure. On the basis of such resonance and released (at destruction of spin organization) energy due to appearance of metastable non-linear processes in cadistor structure quantum filling is carried out, resulting in amplification of response radiated by an organism.
Where need vector nls system analyzer?
Who Need the Vector nls system analyzer?
Vector nls system analyzer IS FOR EVERYONE:
Vector nls system analyzer can be used by anyone who is interested in quickly and effectively examining the health of their patients, clients, friends, family or employees. Accurate analysis is the driving factor of our company and no matter whom you are or what you do, you will be well informed with the information you will gather from the Vector nls system analyzer device, and so will everyone you work with.
Remember that the information is being gathered on a biofield level, and the beauty of this method of analysis is that before anything is physically manifested, it is found.
People who fall under any of the following categories are welcome, advised and will find benefit in using and having a Vector nls system analyzer biofield device.
For Naturopaths, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Homepaths and Medical Doctors, the Vector nls system analyzer allows detecting and monitoring of the biofield at all levels of the human being including the circulatory system, nervous system, etc. It is a quick way to survey the energetic status of your patients. After scanning the Vector nls system analyzer can provide homeopathy, meta-therapy, PEMF therapy, infrared therapy and bioresonance therapy .
Vector nls system analyzer greatly increases the efficiency of the initial visit & quality of examinations. Clinics can add this new state-of-the-art technology to their clinics. Vector nls system analyzer will create a new revenue stream from holistically oriented patients. Clinics can assist patients by surveying all their concerns on a biofield level as well as provide energy balancing methods.
A preventive biofield monitoring program can be implemented for the health and wellness of children and staff. Students or staff returning from being ill can be scanned and balanced as well.
Vector nls system analyzer can be used to balance out energies to prevent and defer more invasive treatments by balancing the energy before illness occurs. This will improve the quality of life for the majority of individual patients.
Objective monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure, nutrient levels and blood chemistry is important whenever there is serious exercise. The Vector nls system analyzer is a great health information technology to add to the existing monitoring modalities. It enhances the ability to create individual health programs.
Concern about the health of salon customers is a strong competitive trump card. Vector nls system analyzer can provide an assessment of the client’s energetic health.It will facilitate improvement in designing individual spa programs that best rejuvenate and improve their well being.
Vector nls system analyzer is a great tool to monitor the biofield health of your family and friends. It provides a means of checkup, therapy and energy balancing, minimizing the need to spend large amounts of visits and finances on health care services.