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NLS Oberon

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What is a Magnetspace NLS Oberon

The NLS Oberon allows us to quickly measure the current energy state of the entire body without any adverse effects and then draw the necessary conclusions and understand the risk of certain diseases. In addition, NLS Oberon is suitable for mapping the presence of various bacteria, viruses, parasitic fungi, parasites and single-celled organisms and detecting whether these pathogens are active in the body.
The device includes other useful features. It is particularly suitable for the preparation of personalized information products (these products, such as homeopathic products) and for performing information therapy – Meta Therapy.
The device is also suitable for predicting possible abnormalities of homeostasis in the body, selecting diet-related health promotion programs and determining the most appropriate vibration pattern of medication or nutritional supplements for the examined person. The effectiveness of the selected product can be measured in advance by testing the nutritional response (vegeto-test). The “e-Pharmacy” as a reference information module contains more than 10,000 sonograms (vibration modes). This allows for the selection and immediate preparation of a personalized information product that will work most effectively and efficiently.
The analysis process is simple.
Since there is no access to the electrical activity of the nutritional structures of the brain, the formula of the nutritional brain is activated by sound, electromagnetic vibrations (through headphones) and visual stimulation.
Visual activators support permanent and intense changes associated with a particular organ. The system amplifies signals from the brain and then converts them into digital code, making them suitable for input into a computer as information. The process is represented by the corresponding colored symbols on the anatomical map of the examined organ.
The colour and position of the symbols in the illustration depend on the strength of the signals from the brain, which reflect the state of health of the body, more specifically the stages of stress function, and also relate to the pathological changes that are already apparent.
The next phase of rapid testing involves energy audits. The basis of the audit is that the program compares the vibrations corresponding to the various diseases (the so-called standardized process stored in the computer memory) with the current information received from the person being examined. The program allows us to make energy diagnoses in different ways, including analysis of variance, entropy, multivariate or linear analysis, and graphical representation (the program compares graphical representations of virtual models of disease with data from examinees). The program not only analyzes the entire body at the anatomical and histological level, but also examines the individual intersections and their interactions with each other.
Five different positions ensure the reliability of the health check. The closer the information obtained from the examinees to the virtual model of the disease, the more accurate and reliable the results will be. Considering that four of the six symbols used in the procedure indicate a certain functional state, it can be said that the device allows us to determine the development of pathological processes that have already started in the initial phase.
In the next stage of the health check (quick test), with the help of this program, you can choose from vibrational pictures of various products (compassion and homeopathic products, nutritional supplements, herbal remedies). The program also specifies which products in the database are best suited to improve the condition of a given organ. This is done individually for each patient, taking into account the health status of each individual. The device is capable of automatically testing whether the product is suitable for a given patient. In addition to the thousands of products stored in the program database, you can also test other products for vibration by placing them in the magneto-optical chamber of the device (external Vegeto test).
If a given product can improve the overall condition of the body, then it can be recommended for use by the patient. Using the biophysical NLS method, it is possible to prepare so-called photodiodes, which can reflect the vibration mode of a given product and can affect an organ at the information level.
The program provides a large number of statistics on the distribution of the various pathological forms according to age group and gender. Even if we only know the gender and age of the patient, this allows us to retrieve and process basic information.

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nls oberon

nls oberon

nls oberon

NLS Oberon operation

One finger will do it all!
We choose industrial touchscreen computers!
(For outdoor payment kiosks, POS machines, transportation, industrial automation, medical, etc. (Capacitive screen, high sensitivity, solid state driver)
Optional 32G / 64G / 128G HDD
Optional wireless keyboard and mouse
Multi-angle adjustment
A machine that works directly with the software and doesn’t require you to install it yourself!
HDMI, VGA … Multi-interface
Then, you can see it improve or go away.

NLS Oberon

oberon metatron

NLS Oberon training

Every NLS Oberon we sell is available for our lecture series, “Biological Resonance Diagnosis and Treatment”. The lecture series includes a thorough examination of the equipment’s functions to allow participants to become fully familiar with the operation of our machines. The purpose of the training is to pass on detailed information about our machines, and our demonstrators will demonstrate diagnostic methods using the NLS Oberon equipment as well as practical sessions for the participants. Upon completion of the course, each participant will receive a certificate that meets European standards. Customers go to school for free. The course lasts 8 hours.

The training can be attended by up to 3 people. The course lasts 6-8 hours, depending on the number of participants and demand.

Training also applies to other equipment and systems (e.g. Oberon, Metatron, Biolas, Sensetiv Imago, BodyScan, Vector, META-Scan, ETA-Scan, etc.)

For software.

Metamorphosis response (all versions)
pervert hunter
Metapathia GR Professional
Vector Expert (all versions)
Dianel (all versions)
Sensetiv Imago (all versions)
Torque Soft NLS
3D-NLS software
Diacom Software
Quantum Oberon Software

nls oberon

nls oberon

nls oberon

When can I use NLS Oberon bioresonance therapy?

Diseases treated by bioresonance therapy.
Acute infectious disease
bronchial asthma
autoimmune disease
degenerative organismic disease

Gynecological diseases, for example.
-Menstrual pain.
-Hormonal imbalance.
-Prenatal treatment

Immunodeficiency from various sources
Post-vaccine complications
Poisoning and toxic stress
Headaches and migraines.
Fungal and parasitic diseases
All types of pain.
Neurodermatitis and eczema
sports injury
metabolic disease
Pre- and post-operative treatment
Secondary viral disease
Urological diseases

nls oberon

nls oberon

Who can use NLS Oberon?

Doctors, including family doctors
Hospitals and clinics
Educational institutions
nursing home
Stadiums, gymnasiums and various recreational departments
Spas, Beauty Centers and Beauty Facilities
Alternative health care providers
natural therapy
Reiki practitioner

We are the NLS Oberon manufacturer,we sale the NLS Oberon to NLS Oberon,we can delivery to all the worlds by dhl,ups,offer OEM,if you need the NLS Oberon,please contact us.100% happy shopping and support Returns.

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nls oberon


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