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Why oberon hunter

What is oberon hunter?

Metatron Oberon 4025 Hunter
Accuracy of measurement: 70 millions of measuring points per organism. OBERON 4025 provides big virtual recognition models of human organs with accuracy 85 99%. In the case of histology virtual organs, model accuracy amounts to 98% and in the case of cytological and genetic structures about 98%. The device’s resonance compartment enables exploration of all kinds of chemical and biological products in order to make an analysis of character and their influence on actual patients. OBERON 4025 with software Metapathia 3 can recognize in its infancy such diseases as precocity tumor, sclerosis multiplex and others and make their analysis and send information about their advancement. OBERON 4025 is a revolutionary diagnostic system using the most modern components and software to create possibilities for doctors to recognize many illnesses in their infancy (eg. infancy of tumours, sclerosis multiplex etc). Early recognition of diseases in their infancy and protracted diseases. Creating blood and hormone analysis. Activation of compensatory body reactions by way of metatherapy. Destructive influence on the morbifics micro-organisms. Recognizing parasites such as: intestinal parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses, micro-plasmas rickettsia. Recognizing allergens. Medicaments analysis and tests, follow-up nourishment, fitospecimens, homeopatics specimens, ointments, cremes and materials for teeth in respect of their agency and tolerance. This overwhelming results were realized throughout the completely new 3-D Spiral-Scanning-Method. Oberon 4025 “Hunter” was enlarged with hundreds of new virtuel pictures. The “Hunter” finds by himself the DNA fragments with the most information loss. If these deviations on the DNA fragment-level are balanced, a lot of symptoms all over the body can disappear. The Oberon “Hunter” to describe all-embracing is not possible, you should experience by yourselF.

Oberon is not the same as Oberon


Under the OBERON concept, various models have been developed over the years, which – with a similar appearance – have very different performances. In this respect, the corresponding model name is always important (from Nutrisoft to Pathfinder and MV Expert).

In the meantime, replicas of Asian production are emerging in the market (especially as “Oberon Hunter”, but also under totally different names). In the case of offers, always check the manufacturer, the model and, above all, the medical certification (approval) of the devices. Oberon is not only a software, but above all a device whose production quality and hardware performance is crucial for its precision and reliability.

Oberon / MNLS systems of Stump Medizintechnik: “Made in Germany”.

And last but not least, devices with a visually appealing appearance also require qualified support and training …

Why oberon hunter?

1. The Hunter 4025 is more automatically.
2. Hunter will give you a comparison after you doing the analysis and therapy.
3. Hunter will give you the further research for deep reason.
4. Hunter will give you the recommendation about the treatment for testee.
5. Hunter can give you higher in accuracy.
6. The Hunter is more professional and smart.
7. Hunter can test your full body according to the system of human, which can help you save time to choose item.
8. Hunter can do the meridian test.
9. The software of Hunter is more suitable for using, when you move the mouse to the icon, it will give you a description of the function of the button.
10. Doctor can add more precise nidus in testing.
11. There is a “smart filter” function, it can pass the items which are unsuitable for the testee, and leave the items which are suitable for the testee.
2018 latest products
Accuracy rate of up to 95%
2-year warranty (one year based on the increase in the original)
Pregnant women, children and senior citizens can use without any side effects
Rugged aluminum packaging with high temperature shock.

We We are manufacturer metatron 4025 nls ,oberon hunter ,Ofer OEM,Welcome contact use to get the price lsit.

Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy
Sale Consultant : Mr Mark

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