nls metatron hunter 4025
NLS Metatron Hunter 4025 History
His research at the Institute succeeded in producing this most efficient device, which automatically adjusts the frequency of the main pulse, while the No human intervention is required, and it detects and corrects defects and pathologies in organs and body cells on its own. This is achieved by combining different specially modulated magnetic oscillations recorded on a matrix. The basic concept behind the development of the device was the assumption that the human body has an electromagnetic information framework capable of responding to external radiation.
In 1950, R. Folle discovered and designed a system for electrical testing of human acupuncture points in Germany.
In contrast to Folle’s electroporation diagnostic method, which was based on an indirect indication of organ condition (often with considerable error), this method was based on the use of an electromagnetically active device. Bioactive Points (BAPs) to measure the electrical potential of organs and systems, and the Institute of Practical Psychophysics developed the NLS analysis method The condition of the organ is assessed directly due to the resonant amplification of the radiation signal from the organ under investigation using a non-invasive trigger sensor. Each organ and each cell has its own unique oscillations, which are stored in the computer memory and can be displayed graphically. On the screen, the graphic represents the conditions for the exchange of information between organs (tissues) and the environment. Each pathological process has its own unique graphic.
The program contains many diagrams of pathological processes and shows all the stages in progress, taking into account age, sex and other variations. After reading the frequency signatures of the biological objects to be studied, the system will compare their spectral similarities with those of healthy or pathologically affected Tissue or infection bodies are compared to obtain the closest pathological process or trend. In cases where the processes are similar, the virtual diagnostic model allows for differential diagnosis of each process.
Another excellent opportunity provided by NLS analysis is medical testing. This system offers the unique opportunity to record the frequency fluctuations of any preparation and add them to the thousands of fluctuations already stored in the database . The system then searches for a drug with the most pathological process spectral profile and selects the most effective one.
Even in very rare cases where clinical symptoms are very typical, the NLS diagnostic method can also look at other factors regarding defect magnitude. information and to determine prognosis. In most cases, it is of primary importance for rapid prognosis and correct treatment selection.
The inventor of the NLS diagnostic system (“METATRON”) is considered to be the scholar Svyatoslav Pavlovich Nesterov, who invented the trigger sensor in 1988 and thus found the idea for the system.
Non-linear diagnostic methods are still under development. Improvements in the method were so rapid that the system version was updated every six months. By using a new system with di
What does it mean to be non-invasive?
Non-invasive is a medical term used to mean “not penetrating the body through an incision or injection”.
What is NLS Metatron Hunter 4025 MeatT-eharyp?
Inofmrtaoianl bifoeebdcak threpay (Mte-) ahTrepay) is an attempt to restore Oraginms to normal in the case of acute and cholestatic diseases Methods of viability. Idiopathic, mild glucocorticoids can go straight to the brain, correcting the corrugations of organs or cells and stimulating their optimal expression.
Does Meatrton prvodie also cash in?
Yes, all Meatrton sytsmes prvodie vairuos. The bifoeebdcak are payable. The main payment method is called bifoeebdcak MeatT-eharyp. Similarly, you can send directly to the Creatures, herbs, stones and bach flewores of Helanig frqeeucneis (Helanig frqeeucneis). (3D models only) sent to the biological container (haepdeiec).
Many different types of inofmrtaoianl hoempotaihcs can be made in the added reosannt chmaebr (all moedsl).
Which NLS Metatron Hunter 4025 can be tested?
-Complex analysis of all organs and systems of the human body
-Cardiovascular system – gastrointestinal tract
-Genitourinary system – musculoskeletal system
-Bronchial-pulmonary system -Endocrine system
-Vision and hearing aids/organs – nervous system
-Blood chemistry analysis without interference
-Infections of organs and systems – viruses, bacteria, fungi.
-Protozoa, worm infections, etc.
(Staphylococcus and streptococcus, Giardia, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, urea plasma, etc.)
-Qualitative assessment of hormone, adrenal, pituitary, pancreatic, thyroid, gonad levels -Immune levels
-Allergy diagnostics (up to 500 allergens can be tested)
-Medical testing (individual drug selection) – Chromosomal diagnosis
-Laboratory analysis (blood counts, biochemical parameters, hormones, trace elements)
Treatment of pathological processes determined by bioresonance therapy (Meta-therapy).
-Photolithographic treatment methods (spectral frequencies, individual selection of minerals).
-Fear, emotion matrix, relationship matrix.
-Evaluate chakras and auras (auras are the electromagnetic fields surrounding each organism and are manifested in the physical field by charged objects that are Representing itself as different colors around the body. This electromagnetic field can provide information about the person’s emotional state, quality of consciousness, and will determine the level of health regarding individual organs and organ systems.)
Why choose our NLS Metatron Hunter 4025?
Informative Methods of Organismic Testing
Safety, i.e. maximum non-interference with the internal environment of the organism.
The speed of the study – the average duration of a patient study is 15-20 minutes.
Mobility and portability.
The equipment is reasonably priced, hence the study itself.
The NLS method is highly informative, which is particularly important for accurate diagnosis.
High objectivity in the reading of information.
Diagnosis and monitoring of early pathological conditions of the disease in the absence of obvious organic tissue changes.
The possibility of active dynamic balance control, which is impossible for any modern human
What applications does the NLS Metatron Hunter 4025 have?
Various chronic degenerative diseases, autoimmune diseases, adjuvant therapy for tumors.
Weak immune system, chronic infections.
Acute and chronic pain and inflammation.
. Fatigue, exhaustion, sleep disorders, depression, migraines, psychosomatic disorders, allergies, eczema, neurodermatitis.
. Hormonal disorders, menopausal difficulties, PMS.
. Geriatric diseases.
Pediatrics: growth problems, behavioral difficulties.
Spinal symptoms: back pain, joint pain, tension, arthritis.
Injuries, fractures.
. Sports Medicine, getting ready for the game.
NLS Metatron Hunter 4025 acknowledges and treats.
. The osteo-skeletal system (bones, joints, muscles, etc.)
. Lymphatic system, individual lymph nodes
. Vascular system (coronary vessels, arteries, veins, capillaries).
. The nervous system (brain, spinal cord, hypothalamus, pituitary).
Genitourinary system (kidneys, bladder, ovaries, uterus, prostate)
. Respiratory system (lungs, trachea, bronchial tubes, etc.)
Digestive system (stomach, intestines, esophagus, liver, etc.)
. Endocrine system (thyroid, adrenal, etc.)
. Bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites.
. Blood components, hormones and enzymes.
Allergens and environmental toxins…
Food, linens, homeopathic remedies, medicines, etc. Food, sheets, homeopathy, pharmaceuticals etc..
The Metatron system has been used; Western medicine, herbal medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, psychology, psychiatry, sports medicine. Fitness consultants, health spas and clinics, homeopathic clinics, and rehabilitation centers. The applications for the Metatron crude diagnostic system are endless, which is why the system is quickly becoming a popular tool for those seeking upgrades and A necessary companion for future proof practitioners of their respective clinics.
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Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy |
Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |