What is diacom 9d nls?
Enquiry Now!What’s the diacom 9d nls ?
Accuracy of measurement: 70 millions of measuring points per organism. diacom 9d nls provides big virtual recognition models of human organs with accuracy 85-99%. In the case of histology virtual organs, model accuracy amounts to 98% and in the case of cytological and genetic structures about 98%. The device’s resonance compartment enables exploration of all kinds of chemical and biological products in order to make an analysis of character and their influence on actual patients. diacom 9d nls with software Metapathia 3 can recognize in its infancy such diseases as precocity tumor, sclerosis multiplex and others and make their analysis and send information about their advancement. diacom 9d nls is a revolutionary diagnostic system using the most modern components and software to create possibilities for doctors to recognize many illnesses in their infancy (eg. infancy of tumours, sclerosis multiplex etc).
diacom 9d nls
what is 9d nls
9d nls health analyzer
bioplasm 9d nls
9d nls quantum health analyzer
Early recognition of diseases in their infancy and protracted diseases.
Creating blood and hormone analysis.
Activation of compensatory body reactions by way of metatherapy.
Destructive influence on the morbifics micro-organisms.
Recognizing parasites such as: intestinal parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses, micro-plasmas rickettsia.
Recognizing allergens.
Medicaments analysis and tests, follow-up nourishment, fitospecimens, homeopatics specimens, ointments, cremes and materials for teeth in respect of their agency and tolerance.
How diacom 9d nls work?
Design and operation principleOperation principles of “diacom 9d nls” system which belong to “brain machines” class are based on fundamentals of Nesterov – Van Hoven quantum entropy logic theory. According to quantum entropy logic theory informational exchange between systems is carried out distantly, associatively and selectively due to electromagnetic radiation quantum having energy equal to energy of system’s elementary structure connections destruction. Principles of entropy logic theory allow us to affirm that in physical systems during informational exchange appear unstable (metastable) states when possibility of their destruction is increased greatly. Intensity of informational exchange between two exchanging systems A and B is increased when form of one of these systems is destroyed. Order strength of any system is equal to amount of contained information in it; that is why destruction of one system’s (A) form with parallel information transferring to another system (B) represents information conservation law postulated by quantum entropy logic theory. Entropy logic theory states that these theses are physically rightful only in case if A and B systems are quantum and aggregate of A and B can be described by one condition. This provides presence of initially existing informational exchange preceding destruction of one system’s structures which within context of entropy logic ties both parts together in single quantum system, because in corresponds to effect of Einstein – Podolsky – Rosen. Quantum entropy logic theory allows us to clarify many details of fundamental psychophysical mechanisms which are used in long-range information transfer between two spatial diverse objects. The theory reveals mechanisms forming associativity, informational selectivity and other characteristics of such exotic channel of information transfer. The system operates on the basis of principle of initiating signal amplification at destruction of metastable structures. Under the influence of external electromagnetic fields, the magnetic moments of molecular currents of the accessory centers of the neurocytes of the crust of brain lose their pristine orientation, which disorder the spin frames of the delocalized electrons, which is the reason of occurrence therein of unstable metastable states, which disintegration plays the role of the amplifier of the initiation signal. From the physical point of view the system represents a system of electronic oscillators (cadistors), resounding on a wavelength which energy is adequate to the energy of destruction of the predominant links supporting the structural architecture of the examined organism. The information about a particular condition of a biological object is read non-invasively by digital trig-ger sensor, which was developed using modern information technologies and microcircuitry catching weak fluctuations of the signals, evolved out of average statistical noise characteristics of the fields, and converted into a digital sequence, processed with the help of a microprocessor for transmitting it via interface cable to the computer. If, being based on the quantum chromokinetics rules, you present entropy values any system as colors of spectrum, such colors will vary from light yellow (at minimum entropy values) through orange to red and purple, almost black (at maximum entropy values). Finer theoretical calculations performed by computer, allow singling out a number of stationary conditions corresponding to a certain entropy potential, selectively interacting with the emission spectrum. By comparing the color gamma of the icons and their location on the organ computer model, and also their time change dynamics, one can judge on the processes of destruction of biological structures and give structures’ stability in time forecasts. The principles by realizing of which the system operates as a diagnostic one are described below. Each sort of cells has its own energy of destruction typical for certain intercellular molecular link. By changing characteristics of diacom 9d nlscadistor radiation, one can cause a destruction of intercellular structures links (and related spin orientations of bio-molecular combinations) of any cells of organism tissues. It is natural that the more stable and correspondingly more damaged condition researched tissues have, the more pronounced response we will have according to quantum entropy logic theory. At the same time scanning frequencies will coordinate position of response which together with value of response will draw general geometry of accumulated damages in an organism. As soon as response is located by operation of psychophysical phenomena, we additionally introduced a number of physical forces activating brain functions of investigated persons, and also adjusting it resonantly (visualization of located organs on a screen of a computer, using of associativity principle). Using at locating energy impact which destroy typical molecular links is always interfits with resonance of corresponding electronic bridges in cadistor structure. On the basis of such resonance and released (at destruction of spin organization) energy due to appearance of metastable non-linear processes in cadistor structure quantum filling is carried out, resulting in amplification of response radiated by an organism.
How to read diacom 9d nls 6 color test reports?
Signal Input To The Database To Match,Then Shows The Following Several Different Situations
1 – Normal State
2 – Standard Condition
3 – Restricted State
4 – Serious Disorders State
5 – Weak State
6 – Abnormal Condition
(Sub-health status)
How to ues the diacom 9d nls?
The diacom 9d nls comes with a software package called Diacom. Diacom stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM).
Diacom is the software standard that drives the diacom 9d nls. It performs a sweep of all internal bodily organs, outputting a test signature for each bodily organ using the transmitter in the sonic headphones and recording measurements using the receiver in the headphone unit.
Measurements are sent to the computer via USB port, and it is the Diacom software that compares measurements made by the NLS analyzer with the developed database, and reports just how far measurements deviate from those in a healthy person. The beauty of this system is that each major organ is presented as a 3D picture, and a coding system is used to pinpoint irregularities in the organ. The following example is of an individual with a diseased Aorta. The patient in this case was advised to see a doctor, and subsequently a cardiologist.
3D Image Example of Heart from Diacom Software Output1 – Normal State; 2 – Standard Condition; 3 – Restricted State; 4 – Weak State; 5 – Abnormal Condition; 6 – Serious Disorders State
Minimum Computer System Requirements
CD Rom Drive
Minimum Windows 98 (any version of windows from windows 98 to the current version). Will NOT operate on Mac computers.
Minimum 1Gb Hard Drive Space
USB Port
250Mb RAM Memory
Minimum Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768. Any resolution higher than this is ok, although it is recommended that the resolution is set to a 5:4 ratio.
To correctly install your diacom 9d nls onto your computer, it is essential for you to follow the step by step instructions in the order shown below. Failure to do so will result in problems in getting the system to work.
Step 1 – Software and Driver Installation
Insert the Software CD into your computer’s CD-Rom drive, open Windows Explorer and navigate to your CD-Rom drive (e.g., d:\diacom 9d nls).
Double Click diacom 9d nls followed by Diacom-setup to open the Diacom-setup directory.
To begin installation, double click on setup_v1.20.exe, and work your way through the Installshield Wizard program (DO NOT run the installed software yet).
Navigate back to your CD-Rom as instructed in steps 1 and 2 above, and then double click CH341.exe. Work your way through the Installshield Wizard program.
Step 2 – Hardware Assembly and Installation

9d nls bioplasma

9d nls bioplasma
1. Make sure the power button on the back of the diacom 9d nls is switched off (O pressed in and I sticking out).
2. Plug the headphones into the rear of the diacom 9d nls unit into the socket shown below.
diacom 9d nls Headphones
diacom 9d nls Headphones Socket
3. Plug the Item Cup into the slot on the back of the diacom 9d nls unit as shown below.
diacom 9d nls Item Cup Port
4. Connect the USB lead to the back of the diacom 9d nls unit and then connect the other end to a spare USB port on your computer.
USB Cable in Package diacom 9d nls USB Port
5. Turn on the diacom 9d nls unit using the switch on the back as shown below (I pushed in and O pointing out).
6. Wait until your computer has installed the drivers for the diacom 9d nls unit. You are now ready to begin to use the system. To start the system double click on the Diacom-NLS old Icon on your desktop.
7. Proceed to the next section and download and print the appropriate documents to learn
Who Can Use diacom 9d nls?
Doctors including family doctors
Hospitals and clinics
Educational institutions
Gyms, sports centers, and various recreational departments
Spas, beauty centers, and cosmetic facilities
Alternative health practitioners
Reiki practitioners