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What is the Price of the Metatron NLS?

What is the Price of the Metatron NLS?
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    What is the Price of the Metatron NLS?

    Metatron NLS system by MAIKONG CO. LTD is a popular bioresonance device in the wellness industry, designed for non-invasive health diagnostics. Pricing for the Metatron NLS, specifically the Metatron Hunter 4025 model , can vary significantly based on the distributor, customizations, and any additional software or training services included. Generally, prices range between $3,000 and $8,000 USD for standard models, while advanced setups or bundles with additional diagnostic software may be priced higher.

    Metatron NLS price

    Key Features of the Metatron NLS (Hunter 4025)

    Metatron NLS 4025 is equipped with advanced diagnostic capabilities, such as Quantum Resonance and 3D scanning, providing in-depth analysis of physical and energetic health. Here’s a summary of its main specifications:

    ModelMetatron Hunter 4025
    TechnologyQuantum Resonance, 3D NLS
    Diagnostic Scope800+ organs and tissues, 3D images
    TherapiesMeta-Therapy, Phytotherapy, Acupuncture
    Supported LanguagesEnglish, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, etc.
    CompatibilityWindows OS (7, 8, 10)
    Warranty3 years

    Package Contents

    When you purchase the Metatron NLS 4025, it comes with several accessories that facilitate both diagnostics and user experience:

    Main Device1
    Headphone Sensors1
    USB Cable1
    Testing Cup1
    Software Dongle1
    User Manual1
    Aluminum Carrying Case1

    OEM/ODM Customization

    MAIKONG CO. LTDOEM and ODM services for businesses​


    Metatron NLS Diagnostika Metatron NLS Diagnostika Metatron NLS Diagnostika Metatron NLS Diagnostika Metatron NLS Diagnostika

    Frequently Asked Question

    1. Is the Metatron NLS available for home use?
      Yes, although it’s primarily used by practitioners, trained individuals can also use it for personal wellness monitoring.
    2. How accurate is the device?
    3. Can I customize the device for my business?
      Yes, MAIKONG offers OEM/O
    4. What’s the typical delivery time?
      Orders are typical

    Metatron NLS provides aMAIKONG CO. LTD

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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