What is oberon 4021 erfahrungen?
What is oberon 4021 erfahrungen
Everything in life is vibration (Albert Einstein). We humans also consist of differently compacted vibrations. All vibrations have an influence on our own, naturally harmonious electromagnetic field.
The matter consists of mass, energy and information. That each organ system, ie, organ, tissue, cell, chromosome, and molecule, has a characteristic pattern of vibrations. A healthy body vibrates in a certain way, a sick body whose information flow is blocked, vibrates “differently”. The OBERON® system 4021 uses the NLS method to measure the deviations of the vibration structures and assign these medical symptoms.
Not only disease causes and their influence on the body are recorded, but also the effect of the performed therapies can be reproduced. Thus, it is seen which loads (e.g., bacteria, viruses, foods, tooth materials, etc.) or deficiencies (e.g., vitamins, trace elements, etc.) can lead to health problems.
Welcome to my natural healing practice for bioenergetic medicine!
My special areas are the bioresonance (a pain-free and non-effective therapy procedure, therefore also suitable for children), the holopathy as well as other energetic procedures, such as NLS diagnosis with the Oberon.
– Cause Treatment: Diagnosis and Therapy of Causing Factors. No “try it.” Confirmation by Therapiewirkung.
– No medicines: Homeopathic remedies or dietary supplements are not required, therefore low costs.
– Tools: Medical approved technical equipment (broadband amplifiers, frequency generators, reproducers for frequency spectra and magnetic fields).
– Intensive: Sensible effects mostly during or after the first treatment.
– No side effects: The worst thing that can happen is that nothing happens.
– No question of faith: A technical and craft process. The devices produce the effect. I only serve them. It does not matter if you believe in it.
– Fast: After a few appointments, a clear conclusion is reached. For legal reasons, I can not be more precise here.
For many acute and chronic diseases, I offer treatments. Also a special procedure for smoking cessation belongs to my work area.
Please inform me about a general, free and non-committal interview *) or read my patient information brochure.
The new holistic view of bioresonance regards man as a composition of vibrations that is in perfect harmony in a healthy state, just like a perfect melody. I always look for and cure the causes, never the symptoms. With a symptomatic treatment, my patients have often had enough painful experiences before they came to me.
I do not use any medication. This is also not necessary with my treatment procedure. This may seem unusual, but in my experience it has been shown for many years to be very successful and above all more effective (= faster) than the therapy with some means.
The attempt at a colloquial description of energetic medicine: disease is defined as a kind of disharmonic vibration as if someone were wrongly singing or some instruments of the orchestra would play wrong. It does not sound good anymore – you feel sick.
In my practice, I localize this disharmony and try to extinguish precisely these “false tones” with different procedures, in order to bring man back into harmony with himself. This sounds very abstract, because our 5 senses are not built for the perception of these energies, but it delivers concrete results very quickly. As a rule, there are changes in the condition during the first treatment or within a few days afterwards. The body begins to work. In the case of chronic diseases, however, it is often possible to have 4 to 6 treatment dates as a whole.
I am relying on more than 40 years of research and experience in the area of bioresonance and EAV with many profound results. It is a comparatively young branch of alternative medicine, but there are already a large number of proven and effective therapies. Even thousands of my patients could at any time confirm that this kind of therapy helped them health.
Is this all scientifically proven? No, despite several decades of experience, it has not been possible to find a scientifically sound explanation. Please read on here.
Please inform yourself about my diagnosis and therapy procedures. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can also find a wealth of articles on these topics on the Internet.
Make an appointment in my practice. I will analyze your health problem under the special focus of energetic medicine and propose an individual treatment. I’ll take my time for you.
What exactly is being done during an examination?
The examination is carried out with the Oberon® System 4021, a measuring principle recognized in alternative medicine and designed for an analysis of the energetic and functional status. Headphones are placed on the patient’s head via very weak, inaudible signals. These signals are designed according to the requirements for a non-linear system analysis and are safe according to the Medical Devices Act IIa. Your body responds with a kind of “echo”. The examination is completely painless and can be done quickly with every human being. According to a detailed history, the body can be systematically examined from head to toe, or individual body regions or organs can be selected. The results of the analysis are then discussed with the help of virtual organ images. Therapy proposals are presented. Here, Ms Schnitzer intervenes on various treatment methods such as, for example, therapy according to Dr. Steidel, orthomolar therapy Spagyrik, Hildegard medicine, kinesiology, Vital Wave® (micro-energy therapy) or homeopathy.
After completing her MTA studies at the University of Heidelberg, Ms Schnitzer has been able to gain experience in the areas of histology, electrophysiology and neurology in neurology. She has worked in multicenter studies in the main areas of stroke, cerebral hemorrhage and Parkinson’s disease patients. After training as a naturopath and joining as a member of the Pain Therapists Group, she is now working in her own practice rooms in Seeheim-Jugenheim. Thanks to her extensive experience, Pia Schnitzer can very well interpret the various indications of the Oberon® system 4021 in the above-described examination and clearly identify the connections between symptoms and abnormalities.
Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy |
Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |